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Event Series Event Series: Board of Trustees Meeting

The Kalkaska County Library Board of Trustees meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 10:00am at the library unless otherwise noted.

All Library Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public. Please feel free to attend!

Library Board of Trustees meetings, as well at its various committee and subcommittee meetings will also be posted at the Kalkaska County Administration Building, located at 605 N. Birch Street, and at the Kalkaska County Library, located at 247 S. Cedar Street.

The Kalkaska County Library Board of Trustees consists of the following individuals, appointed by the Kalkaska County Board of Commissioners to five year terms.

Chairperson: Diana L. Needham
Vice-Chairperson: Randy Lucyk
Secretary: Cash Cook
Trustee: Rebecca Wesley
Trustee: Richard Heitmeyer
Director: John Roberts

For more information about the Kalkaska County Library Board of Trustees, including the minutes of previous meetings, please visit the board web page.

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